$41,000 fell into my bank account one day. Yep, I do mean "fell", as I did nothing to "earn" it, other than maintain an abundance mind-set and practice the vibration of receiving this money, before I was sure it would arrive. So how did it happen? Well, the apartment building where I was renting at the time, in the trendiest neighborhood of Washington DC, was sold, and we were denied the right to purchase the apartments we lived in, even though legally we were supposed to have been given that option. The tenants' representatives were writing petitions, seeking legal counsel, and launching a lawsuit against the management company, demanding compensation. I was optimistic, as I usually am, and was excitingly planning what to do with the money, not sure how big the settlement amount would be. The few neighbors I spoke to in the hallway were pessimistic, saying we will never win agains that big company and their fancy lawyers. I didn't allow their negativity to bring me down. I always believed great things could happen out of the blue, and I had a strong conviction that money doesn't have to come through great effort.
It didn't happen right away. The legal battle lasted for a couple of years. I meanwhile left Washington DC, and was receiving emails here and there updating me about the case. I e-signed a couple of documents during those years, and was always waiting to receive the good news- that the settlement is arriving. One day it arrived. $41,000 in my bank account. I was delighted, but not surprised. I KNEW it was coming, and never doubted it. Back then I hadn't yet discovered the Law of Attraction, and didn't know that when you are SURE that something is coming your way, the Universe has no other choice but to deliver it to you. I had learned through the years the hard way, that when you are not sure about your wanted outcome, you push it away from you energetically. This manifestation came easily to me, because I didn't have a resistant, limiting belief about sudden financial abundance. I did, however, have my fair share of limiting beliefs regarding other topics, such as relationships, but thankfully I was able to get over those limiting beliefs using Hypnosis. But that's for another blog post ;0) Wishing you lots of Abundance, Sharon
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Sharon AzoguéTransformational Leader, Hypnotherapist, Archives
July 2022