Today is Valentine's day. In Latin American this day is called "Day of Love and Friendship". I love this definition. There are many important people in our lives, and this is something worth appreciating and celebrating.
Many people feel down on this specific day, as well as on Holidays and special occasions, if they don't have a romantic partner to celebrate with it. My advice would be to focus on ALL the people that you care about and who care about you. Take a few minutes to make a mental list of all these people! In fact, take a piece of paper and make an ACTUAL LIST of all the people who make your life better! Include even people who said a nice word to you when you were feeling down. The same way little kids prepare Valentine cards for everyone in their class, we too could benefit from a greater feeling of connectivity to those around us. Connectivity to a community is the number one factor that people chose as most contributing to their happiness. Yet we spend so much time worrying about work, about money, about "what will people think about us" , and not enough time actually fostering connection. Now, let's say it is Valentine's day, or Christmas, or your birthday, and you are feeling a little down since you would truly like a romantic partner, but you don't have one. Or, you do have one but the relationship is not in a good place. Let this feeling be your motivation to take the steps necessary to improve your situation and to go after what you want, so that next Valentine's day/ Christmas/ birthday- you will be in a better situation and will look back at today as the jumping board that brought you to your brighter future! Here's to a wonderful tomorrow! Sharon
Sharon AzoguéTransformational Leader, Hypnotherapist, Archives
July 2022