Womb Regression is a type of Hypnosis session in which you can discover what you planned to experience in this lifetime. How cool is that? Do you feel like you are living in alignment with your pre-life plan? If you're wondering how you would possibly know that, the answer can be found in your emotions. If you are living a life that feels like a "good fit", meaning you are satisfied, feeling as if you are fulfilling your potential, having healthy relationships, evolving emotionally and spiritually- the answer is probably yes. If you feel like you are constantly dealing with the same types of issues- problematic relationships, dissatisfaction in work, painful emotions you can't shake off, chronic physical issues (or even addictions)- the answer in probably no.
This isn't to say that if you are facing challenges and experiencing some ups and downs you are not fulfilling your pre-life plan. On the contrary; Your pre-life plan includes working on certain issues until you are able to learn, grow, and overcome them. It isn't about smooth sailing, but it is about expansion and about the journey towards deep satisfaction and great joy. My clients are often surprised when they learn about their pre-life plan. That higher perspective changes the way they look at their perceived challenges and shows them the purpose of what they are going through. For example, just the other day my client discovered that her pre-life plan was to focus on experiencing love. She had experienced many past lives in which she was very successful and independent, but also very lonely. In her current life she was surrounded by family, and created a beautiful large family of her own, as well as an extended social circle. She was fulfilling her pre-life plan! Only she had lost track of that plan and was frustrated that her commitment to her family was taking away time and energy from her career. She felt as if she wasn't as successful as she wanted to be, mainly because she was comparing herself to her successful (but childless) sister. Once she realized how deeply satisfied her soul was with giving and receiving so much love, she was able to let go of the ego's harsh voice that was telling her she should be more successful at her career. Now that she got rid of the inner-critic's sabotaging effect on her career, I have complete faith that she will become more successful without having to sacrifice time with her family! That's just how it works ;0) There are no coincidences. You chose your family. You chose the circumstances of your birth. You chose many of the major events and major players in your life. The question is, do you know WHY you chose them and how you can fulfill your plan in the best, most satisfying way possible? If you don't have the answers then you might want to experience Womb Regression! As I prepare to give birth in the next few weeks, I remind myself time and time again that my soon-to-be-born daughter has a pre-life plan of her own. As her mother I can guide her as best I can, but must always remember that she has a higher guidance, as does everyone. As parents we often face this duality of wanting what is best for our children, according to our personal opinions, and letting them follow their own internal guidance. I often imagine my daughter, years from now, undergoing a womb regression and re-visiting my womb in this present time. I know that she will re-connect with the sensations of getting ready to join our family. She will feel the excitement I am feeling. She will remember what it's like to be in the womb, hear my voice, and maybe the voices of her dad and her brother. The womb is such a special time, because the Spirit being is visiting between the spirit world and the physical world, preparing for an exciting new life. But really, every day can be the start of an exciting new life. People are literally re-born spiritually during certain experiences. Life is fluid, and every new day can bring a wonderful new beginning, or a satisfying conclusion to a long journey. Wishing you the satisfying fulfillment of your pre-life plan, Sharon
Abraham-Hicks has a saying which I love: "You don't want to get pregnant and then give birth the next day. There is a gestation period for all your plans." As I prepare to give birth in the coming month, I have been thinking about all the wonderful occurrences in my life, and in the lives of my clients, and about the Journey that led to these occurrences. In all cases, the Journey produced a lot of growth, and the unfolding of the wanted results created a greater appreciation than would had been possible if the manifestations were instantaneous.
We are the co-creators of our own realities, and as such, we get to be the writers, designers, artists, poets, casting directors, and cinematographers of our own lives. Sure, we all participated in pre-life planning, in which our higher selves, with the loving help of our guides, sketched a general plan regarding central themes we would like to explore in this life, and central characters we would like to explore them with. When my clients experience the Spirit Realm Hypnosis session they are often surprised and delighted to finally gain a higher perspective, which helps them make sense of the occurrences in their lives. But pre-planning doesn't negate the freedom of choice that we all have, which is the freedom of walking on our ideal path and living our best lives, versus the freedom of letting pain, trauma, fear, and disappointments lead us away from our chosen paths, and down paths which do not align with our higher selves. There is no right or wrong when it comes to how we choose to live our lives. The whole point of having freedom of choice means that we get to have diverse experiences, and we often have to experience the unwanted in order to figure out what we truly want. There is no judgment in the Spirit Realm. As Paulo Coelho said "When you want something, the whole Universe conspires in helping you to achieve it". Your guides are rooting for you, and so is your entire soul family. On the other hand, nobody is disappointed in you when you make choices that end up causing you (or others) pain. Just like parents understand when their young children behave in immature ways, beings which are more evolved than us spiritually understand when we behave in ways that demonstrate that we are still evolving. Even though there is no higher judgment, there actually is a very good reason for us to keep choosing our very best paths. Those are the paths that will lead us to the greatest JOY! Plain and simple! When we are aligned with our higher selves, we automatically make all the "right" choices, and we create better and better circumstances in our lives, which result in less pain and more joy! Choosing the best path for yourself begins with re-programing the mind to get rid of beliefs which do not serve you, and discovering who you truly are and what you truly want. Next step is to heal and integrate aspects of yourself which you had lost contact with (your inner child, your inner leader, etc.) and to become more authentic and whole. Then, you clear your energy from all resistant energy that you brought forward from your past (childhood, past lives). Next, you re-discover your higher self (Spirit-self), and as all this transformation takes place in you, you will be in the ideal position to plant seeds for your future success! I conducted a little science experience with my 3 year old son the other day. We placed little lentils on a moist piece of cotton, situated them in the sun, and watered them daily. My son was amazed to see how those tiny seeds contained the potential to grow into little plants. The potential for the fruition of our dreams can be found in our plans. But very often we don't even bother cultivating the seeds of our desires, as we let fear and uncertainty stop us. Yes, the seed looks nothing like the plant. You will not see the final result of your plan for a while, and you might not know in advance what all the steps you will need to take are. But once you get the momentum going, you will experience the joy of pursuing your goal, and that feeling alone will change your life for the better. The feeling of being stuck, on the other hand, is extremely uncomfortable. That feeling is the result of resistant energy (self-doubt, self-sabotage, fear, lack of self-worth, etc.) pulling you away from what your higher self believes to be true. In other words, you want something but you don't believe you can have it, or that you even deserve it. Well, coming back to Abraham-Hicks, they wrote a book titled "Ask and it is given!". If you have the ability to dream of something, then you have the ability to manifest it. You might need some assistance, and it might not happen overnight, but you can make your dreams come true! Rooting for you and wishing you the very best, Sharon |
Sharon AzoguéTransformational Leader, Hypnotherapist, Archives
July 2022