![]() It is easy to stay focused on physical reality and to forget about vibrational reality, or the un-manifested reality. After all, we experience physical reality with our five senses , and also the people around us usually support our perceptions of physical reality. But the Universe does send us signs. All the time. Some are subtle and easy to ignore. Others are BIG and compelling. A few weeks ago my husband and I received a BIG sign. It was a few nights before our road trip to New Hampshire, a road-trip we have been excited about for many weeks. I listened to an Abraham-Hicks recording while doing the dishes before going to bed, and they were talking about how the Universe sends you signs in the form of impulses to do something, and often uses lights to convey a message. I went to bed earlier than my husband did, and as I was laying down next to my sleeping toddler (yes, we co-sleep), I could see through the curtains that the outside light had turned on. The lights around our house have motion sensors so I went over to the window to see which animal was visiting us. Last time that light went on we got to see a chubby raccoon looking right up at us. We also receive visits from bears, deers, woodchucks, owls, rabbits, and many more animals. But this time I didn't see anything at all, so I went back to bed and quickly fell asleep. After some time my husband woke me up all excited and kept saying "You won't believe what just happened!". Apparently just as the light came on he had an impulse to eat something (even though it was late), and he could see the outside light at an angle from the kitchen's window. He didn't see any animals and as he was eating he noticed that the light never turned off. The lights are on an automatic timer so when time was passing and the light wasn't turning off, my husband decided to go outside through the basement and turn the light off manually. As he walked back into the basement he noticed the light in the linen closet was on. He had installed in that closet a hanging light with a switch earlier that day. He opened the door to turn off the light and saw that a blanket had fallen from the top shelf, right on top of the hanging light-bulb, and smoke had started to come out of the blanket as it was burning. Had he not put out the beginning of that fire, all the linens in the closet would have caused the fire to grow quickly. Even though we have fire detectors, the bedroom where my son and I were sleeping is directly above that closet, and a fire would have caused a huge scare and serious damage to the house. Also, we would have had to cancel our trip to New Hampshire, and as you can see in the picture above, we visited some spectacular places during that trip. Our Angels were definitely looking out for us and have turned on the outside light in order to bring my husband to the basement, and have also planted the impulse in my husband to walk over to the kitchen and see that light. The Universe doesn't usually speak to us in the form of a loud voice, because that would probably freak us out. It would have been scary to hear a voice saying "Fire in the linen closet, run downstairs!". So instead, we get signs, impulses, intuitions, and dreams. The more we align and respond to the Universe, the more signs we receive. Since the night of this big sign, I have been receiving more and more smaller signs, probably because of my gratitude and receptivity. I have found a black feather in the middle of a path (sign of higher protection), I have had a little white bird fly very close to me as I float in my pool in the forrest, and last week I had a premonition dream that my childhood best-friend gave birth, and in my dream I heard the name that was chosen for the baby. When I woke I ran to my phone, and sure enough I had a text message from my friend with the picture of her newborn, and when we spoke later that day she told me they named her Aria, just like in my dream. We all have stories about times when the Universe sent us messages, and I urge you all to be receptive and to expect the guidance of the Universe. You attract what you expect, so the Universe will have no other choice but to deliver. Blessings and good vibes from me to you, Sharon
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Sharon AzoguéTransformational Leader, Hypnotherapist, Archives
July 2022