I was 8 months pregnant and had just left my job.
It was Christmas 2016. I remember the thrill of freedom. I remember the excitement in the air. Yes, there were also pangs of doubts and fears trying to creep up, but I knew at that point how to ignore them until they went away. I had a strong vision, and a loose plan. I wasn't sure what I wanted, but I knew for sure what I didn't want. I didn't want to work from 9 to 5 for someone else. I didn't want to drop off my infant in daycare, and pick him up 8 hours later. I know that for many moms that's fine, but I knew without a doubt that it wasn't fine for me. I didn't want to struggle through my days so that I could enjoy my weekends. Or struggle through weeks and months, so that I could enjoy little "escapes" here and there. I wanted to ENJOY EVERY DAY! I wanted to bring MY OWN ideas and inspirations to life! Outrageous, right?! How dare I be so greedy? I was taught, like most of us were, that life wasn't easy. That I had to sacrifice and work hard, in order to "earn" crumbs of happiness. That life wasn't safe, so I needed a steady job, I needed stability and a boss that told me what to do and paid me, so that I would have retirement money in 30 or 40 years. Great plan! All I needed to do was to suffer 5-6 days a week, let daycare workers or nannies raise my child, and make money for someone else's business. My inner voice told me this couldn't be true. I didn't come to this life to make sacrifices and suffer. I came to EXPERIENCE...to GROW...and to ENJOY! I always knew that deep inside, but it took me going through a whole process of Aligning with my Higher Self before I could take that leap and go after my dreams. And I"m so grateful I took it! Fast-Forward 3 years. It's Christmas again. I"m on a 2 month trip, working on-line while traveling with my family. We go sight-seeing in the daytime, and I offer Hypnosis sessions in the evening. Today we saw the Baháʼí Shrine in Haifa, Israel, and took pictures of it in the pouring rain while our son sang "Jingle Bells" over and over again in the car, to my mom. I wake up inspired, create content from my heart, work on my projects, and then go to the beach. I am raising my son. He is almost 3, and only a few months ago did he start pre-school two mornings a week, to socialize and have some fun. The rest of the time he is with one of us, with both of us, or if we want some couple-time, with my mom. I get to help people. Like, actually help people find their ideal vocations, repair their relationships, improve their health, start a family, create abundance, and get rid of their emotional wounds. I"m not saying this to brag. I"m saying this to let you know that I too didn't know HOW to transform my life, or even WHAT that new life would look like. Are you hurting? If you are, please believe me when I tell you that next Christmas you could look back at THIS exact moment and realize it was the moment everything changed. Are you unhappy right now with one or more aspects of your life? If you are that's because your Higher Self is signaling to you that there is SO MUCH more available for you too! It might be nudging you lightly, or it might be shaking you firmly to get your attention. Just don't ignore your inner voice, because it won't go away. Don't wait for it to scream louder and to manifest more situations that will rid you (not always gently) of that which doesn't serve your highest good. Take the power into your own hands. You are the creator of your own reality, and you can create Deliberately, or you can create unconsciously. Creating Deliberately is much more fun. Trust me. This year Christmas falls on the 8 days of Hanukkah, like it often does. Hanukkah, the Jewish Festival of Lights, symbolizes the Rebellion of the Israelites, the rededication of the temple, and the miracle of the small quantity of oil lasting for 8 days. I am extremely Spiritual, but not at all Religious, so although I don't follow religious interpretations and customs, I do often enjoy their symbolisms. Back in 2016, when I took my big leap towards manifesting my dreams, Hanukkah began on Christmas eve. I remember thinking about my own private rebellion, standing up for myself and going against the safe choice of conforming to society's norms. I also thought about "miracles" and how the extraordinary happens when there is a great desire for a specific outcome, combined with great dedication to the cause. So Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and many wishes of HAPPINESS to you and to your family! Sharon
Sharon AzoguéTransformational Leader, Hypnotherapist, Archives
July 2022