Inner peace. Many of my clients list inner peace as one of their top priorities. After years of experiencing inner turmoil, there's almost nothing as alluring as the promise of inner peace. Sure, some people thrive on excitement, on "drama", on emotional intensity. It is a very individual matter, but today I chose to talk about that feeling of blissful acceptance of what is, of calm satisfaction, and of openness and surrender.
We have all witnessed lately the lack of peace in some societies. Living in the US, the turmoil in this society is apparent. The collective energy of anger, resentment, and hatred, is the result of a combination of the energies of the individuals. Gandhi said "Be the change you want to see in others". To me, that means the each individual must take charge of their own vibration, and once they are in alignment, they can influence others to align. There are many great examples of members of the society becoming their best selves, and embodying that which they want to see in their societies. Peace is an inside job, and until we don't work on healing our own wounds, we will keep contributing to the ills of society. Many people struggle with finding the line between acting against injustice, and embodying peace. I am not advocating burying your head in the sand, and I believe that speaking up and demonstrating definitely serve a great purpose. I also believe in being solution- oriented, and always looking for a way to improve the situation, not just complain about it. Albert Einstein said "Problems can not be solved with the same mindset that created them". When you are focusing on a problem your emotions often get involved. You get upset, and often begin running stories in your head. It is very hard to reach an inspired solution when you are consumed by negative emotions. This applies to personal relationships, as well as to problems within countries, or between countries. By remembering that this is a Universe of attraction, not assertion, you remind yourself that nobody can assert on you that which is not a match to your own vibration. So if you feel angry, the Universe will give you more reasons to be angry. If you believe everything always works out for you, the Universe will keep showing you how you are safe and cared for, and how things work out for the best. It can be hard to put in practice, but once you find your own peace, you will become a positive influence on those around you, simply by exemplifying to them what alignment looks like. When I read to my 3 year old a kid's book about peace, I choose to share with him all the beliefs which will be beneficial for him to adopt. I find that with children it is important to talk about what is wanted (like peace), and not emphasize what is not wanted (like war). I know parents of older children teach their kids about inequality between races, genders, physical abilities, etc. The intention is correct, teaching them that inequality is wrong, but I find it more helpful to not even plant those concepts in young minds to begin with. Morgan Freedman said that in order to stop Racism "I'm going to stop calling you a white man and I"m going to ask you to stop calling me a black man". I couldn't agree more. While there are many changes that need to occur on the level of the government, there is no reason for the public collective to divide people into groups based on race, gender, sexual orientation, etc. The more we emphasize our differences instead of our commonalities, the more of a split we create in society. As someone who grew up in Israel and heard throughout her childhood how the Jews were always hated and persecuted, I can attest that teaching young children their people's history in such a way is not conducive to creating a change in the society. The focus on all that went wrong in the past, results in a feeling of defensiveness and fear that all will go wrong again in the future. They say that by remembering history we make sure it will not repeat itself. Not true! History repeats itself when we have not transcended the vibration that caused the past events. People were taught about the danger of fascism, yet here it is happening in the United States, and close to half of the population is accepting it. Why? Lack of inner peace, among many other reasons. When you are filled with negative beliefs and emotions, it is easier to support someone who justifies and mirrors those ideas and emotions, than to try and deal with them. The ego likes reinforcements, and always wants to be right. There is a strong underlying current of prejudice and selfishness in this society, which is reflected in the political climate. In a society that promotes individual interest and that lacks a strong familial and societal structure, it is easy to raise selfish people. Of course there are plenty of people who are caring and who understand that we are all divine beings and therefor should all be treated as such. Those people are working towards reforms in the society, and are a source of light and love. Contrast is part of this physical world, and it is through the diversity of people and ideas that our expansion here can occur. There is hatred, but there is also love. There are wounded people who act in an un-aligned way, and there are tools for healing the wounds. We chose to come here and to have an experience, so although we tend to get very involved with playing our human roles, I believe it's healthy to remind ourselves constantly about our greater existence as Spirits, only partially manifested in these bodies and minds. A higher perspective can solve any problem, and comfort any pain. A higher perspective is a key for inner peace. Many good vibes from me to you, Sharon
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Sharon AzoguéTransformational Leader, Hypnotherapist, Archives
July 2022